Tuesday, February 26, 2008

An incident that took place at a restaurant near my office...

As a ritual, every afternoon, I go to a restaurant which is located at a swanky mall in our tech park to have lunch ( These days I rarely have food at my office canteen).Not because the food there is very tasty but the walk upto the mall is a nice exercise to a person who spends most of his time sitting in front of a computer. The mall has half a dozen restaurants each offering from Chinese to South Indian. There is a stiff compitition between each of them because of the "Techie" crowd that doesn't mind spending a little more than the usual price you find in any darshini-kind of hotel inside the city.Each hotel, in the mall wants to make best use of this opportunity.
The past few days have been quite eventful for them. A cockroach was found along with the food provided by one such 'over-priced' hotel . Nothing happened, as the customer, funnily, didnt bother to demand an explanation. He simply showed the hotel-worker what he had served along with his veg biryani and the hotel guy ,trying to sound apologetic mumbled something and the whole incident was played down.

I went to one of the busiest hotels in the mall today for lunch and ordered Pudhina Pulav ( I love anything made of Pudhina and was surprised to see it on todays menu !). After 10 minutes when I walk up to him to take my order, I get suspicious looking at the dish he had just served. It didn't look like Pudhina Pulav at all ! It resembled more like plain Veg Pulav. I just ask him again if he was sure if it was what i had ordered and he answers me in affirmation. I decide to quietly take my order to my seat, just to confirm from my colleagues, before I question the hotel guys again . I ask them to taste it to see if they also felt it was Pudhina Pulav. They burst out laughing, saying it was just plain Veg Pulav.
With the suspicion cleared, I walk up to the hotel guys and tell them what they had served.
To my surprise, one of the hotel guys blurts out that it was indeed Pudhina Pulav ! I tell him that if this was Pudhina Pulav then why wasn't it green, the very essence (and confirmation) of pudhina ! That guy started arguing foolishly and as if it wasnt enough, he was soon joined by his cronies . Finally, one of them blurted out that as i looked like a gentleman he wouldn't want to talk in a rough manner . I was shocked ! First of all he was on the wrong side and on top of that he wants to warn me that if I continue my argument things would get messier !!!
I just wanted to break his head right there !
Anyway, people can go to any extent to do business (like serving some other dish in the name of some thing else).
I see this "conning" almost everywhere these days in Bangalore..be it the autos, or the vegetable vendors and now even inside eateries in swanky malls !


Unknown said...

u must not hav left it there....
u shd hav reported the incident to higher authorities...

kaustubhans said...

Maybe you are right, I should have complained cuz then if something similar happens again and another person happens to complain, then those guys are in trouble ! But unfortunately, I didnt have the energy nor the frame of mind to think of any such thing at that moment.I was so dis-appointed by their behaviour that i just wanted to take my money back and walk away(which I did, ofcourse)