Monday, March 31, 2008

Plagiarism, thy name !

The song "Pehli Nazar Mein" from RACE kept lingering in mind ever since I heard it on one of the radio stations. I was so proud of the kind of music that was being churned out by the Hindi Music Industry. But, the truth had to show its ugly face ....
Recently, while i was browsing the net for the same song on Youtube, I saw a Korean song in the "Related videos" list. I clicked on that Korean song, and not surpsingly it had the same tune and the beats as its Indian version. I knew that this was not the first time Pritam had lifted the tune from a foreign source.
A small research on the web led me to a site that showed up not just not-so-original compositions by Pritam, but also by many other Indian composers !
The list has not spared even the likes of AR Rahman !
Kudos to the efforts of the site's owner who has not just given the names of the source from which the songs were lifted, but also a short audio of the originals.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sanskrit Language: The Most Scientific, Ancient, Spiritual

I happened to study in a school in Mysore for almost 8 years, that gave stress to sanskrit more than any of the modern schools in the cities. We were first taught simple poems/songs and shlokas and later we were introduced to the grammar and its intricacies. Sanskrit was infact part of our compulsary curriculum from standard 1 to 10 ! Though I failed to understand what was so reverred about this language, inspite of being part of a "Sanskrit" school for 7 years, the thought of something divine attached to it was always there within my imagination. We were told, in a way we should never forget, that the keys to some of the world's ultimate truths lies in sanskrit.

Just today, I came across an interview on youtube, where a westerner, being a sanskrit scholar, talks about sanskrit in great depths. I like the simplicity with which the scholar explains some of the most difficult theories in vedas and upanishads. Have a look if you want to know what makes sanskrit the most scientific and spiritual language or simply for the fact that a westerner, talks about a culture and language, that is so alien to him, with such authority.

Friday, March 14, 2008


I can feel a burst of tears trying to come out of my eyes, as I listen to the song "Gudugudiya Sedi Nodo" by Raghu Dixit Project . "This song, written by Saint Shishunaala Sharif, a 19th century spiritual poet of North Karnataka, urges the listener to smoke a Hookah (a smoking pipe) to understand how one should lead life! Open the small cloth bag called mind, pull out the hash called greed/lust, crush it in a chillum called faith and light it with a fire called intelligence, Smoke that Hookah, he says" (Source :
I can't believe a song written by a seemingly unknown poet nearly 200 years ago, is striking many a chord even now . . . and striking it is as if one would never forget it !
I am simply marveled by the power of music. Saint Shishunaala Sharif is an unknown figure to the present generation. The only memory I have about this great poet is during a fancy dress competition when I was in Class 4 or 5. One of the participants had imitated him, and as he was a good singer, had sung a song written by the poet which later had fetched him the first prize.

I cant help but feel the Raghu Dixit Project has paid a great tribute to this poet by popularising fe w of his songs.

I don't know why my heart grows weak and my eyes fill with tears whenever I hear of such people. . . I kind of tend to consider them as ordinary people who belong to an extraodrinary world (yeah I flicked it from one of Shah Rukh's interviews). These are ordinary people who have been quietly doing some incredible stuff without worrying about recognition. They don't mind if anyones listening to them or whether they are getting paid for what they are doing . They are simply doing it because they like it . . . You can either put them on the throne or ignore them, but they won't stop whatever they are doing .

Another person who belongs to the same league, is late H. Narasimhaiah, more famous as an educationist and known fondly as HN to the hundreds of former and current students of National High School and the National College (An educationist, these days is more seen as an entrepreneur (sigh). Please don't make the mistake of putting him under the same light ! ).He was a simpleton, stayed in his small hostel room in the college premises till his death and even had deposited his own money in the bank for conducting his last rights. He was a man who lived a life of a bachelor, stuck to his roots and ideals even while abroad, came back unscathed and worked unassumingly for the society . Can we find such educationists today ???? We can't.
Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to study at his institution (which would have allowed me to observe and possibly interact with this great man more closely . . . something I regret not doing even to this day !).

The likes of Saint Shishunaala , HN, and many more who have made us see the world in a different perspective should never be forgotten ! They remind me of the purest souls that you can ever imagine who knew nothing but what they were meant to do . . .

I am sure I have spoken enough un-connected sentences in this post. Blame it on my abnormal emotional quotient that sometimes shoots up without control . . .

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The new villain in my life . . .

I have a Sony Erricson W810i, which I bought 4 months ago.All the chiding done by my fellow colleagues and friends for not buying a Samsung phone and hence not being loyal to the company I work for, has gone in vain many times . SE w810i is one of the best mobile phones to come out of SE's stables. The sound quality s terrific( its a walkman phone), its got 2 MP camera and apart from those attractive templates you get to use, it comes with a 512 Mb memory card ! Slowly people have come in terms with the fact that my choice was after all not bad.
Couple of weeks back, when I had gone to a doctor for my back ache problem, my phone fell down from my pocket as I was lying flat. It fell from a cool 4 feet and I almost decided in no time that I would have to buy a new phone( I don't really like the idea of getting any electronic items repaired.. If they are gone they are gone forever no matter how much u spend on getting it repaired). But the phone survived ! My joy knew no bounds . . .
The next day, I narrated the incident to whoever I met : in the cab, next to my cubicle, in the washroom . . . I really believed the nearly-killed-but-survived story of my mobile phone was nothing short of a miracle and thus required good publicity ( Oh yeah, this could also serve to prove my friends wrong and keep them from chiding me again for ever !).

3-4 days back, while I was swinging my arms a lil briskly my hand (that was carrying my phone), hit the latch of my kitchen door. The impact was enough to send my phone flying as high as possible and eventually fall like a meteor ready to make a hole on the floor.
My legs grew heavy and my body became numb. I thought it was over . . .
As i moved to pick up the phone, I noticed the memory card had popped out of its place . . . I slid it in and looked at the screen and it was working fine ! I let out a big sigh of relief and decided to never carry the phone in my hands if I am not using it.
But the relief was only short-lived.
The next day,sometime in the afternoon, I got a call from one of my friends asking if I had called him in the past 2-3 minutes. I looked at my phone that was lying peacefully on the table next to my computer, and tried to recollect if I had indeed called anyone. I realised I had kept the phone there around an hour back and never even touched it, forget make a call !
It was as if mystery,suspense,horror , had descended on me all of sudden !
How could a phone call anyone all by itself ?!?!? While I was enjoying the thought of making a movie with this plot, I realised, I could have just fallen to a silly prank.
Without wasting another thought on this, I decided to let go off the incident.
The same evening, I see a missed call on my cell from a friend so I call him back asking what was it . He sounded surprised and said I had called him like 5 minutes back and as he wasnt there at that time, he had called me.

As if that wasn't enough, today I get a call from another friend living in Chennai asking me if I had called him like an hour back ! Now, my mobile had started making even STD calls ! ! ! What if the mobile starts calling my aunts and uncles abroad, whose phone numbers I have stored on my cell. Even worse, what if they receive the calls ?!?! Well, yes, receiving the calls would have disclosed the identity of the caller atleast.. but it looks like my phone just wants to play around giving missed calls.

As I stare at this black little box with some buttons and glass thats lying so innocently on my table, I cant help but give it a human form who in real life I would have butchered without a second thought.
I have slowly started perceiving my phone as cruel, wicked and malicious . . . Never imagined I would be this cruel to something which once was one of my favourite posessions ! Sigh . . . . . .