Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sanskrit Language: The Most Scientific, Ancient, Spiritual

I happened to study in a school in Mysore for almost 8 years, that gave stress to sanskrit more than any of the modern schools in the cities. We were first taught simple poems/songs and shlokas and later we were introduced to the grammar and its intricacies. Sanskrit was infact part of our compulsary curriculum from standard 1 to 10 ! Though I failed to understand what was so reverred about this language, inspite of being part of a "Sanskrit" school for 7 years, the thought of something divine attached to it was always there within my imagination. We were told, in a way we should never forget, that the keys to some of the world's ultimate truths lies in sanskrit.

Just today, I came across an interview on youtube, where a westerner, being a sanskrit scholar, talks about sanskrit in great depths. I like the simplicity with which the scholar explains some of the most difficult theories in vedas and upanishads. Have a look if you want to know what makes sanskrit the most scientific and spiritual language or simply for the fact that a westerner, talks about a culture and language, that is so alien to him, with such authority.

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